Photo Retouching Services for Business: How Much Does It Cost?

Organizations utilizing digital marketing strategies for the growth of their online business are very well aware of the importance of graphics and high-quality images. Especially in the eCommerce industry, the sale of the products is dependent to a great extent on the quality of images presented to the customers. Customers are completely dependent on the images shown to them and make purchases by making an assumption about the product. This kind of value of product images has given rise to photo retouching services.

Photo retouching services involve editing original photographs of the products in such a way that these can look mesmerizing and attractive to the customers highlighting their natural features and physical appearances. For example, jewelry photo retouching services will enable you to make the features and appearance of your jewelry look fascinating, and thus the more it will look attractive to the customers, the more there are chances of it being sold. The image retouching team needs to be creative, hard-working, and visionary so that it can have an idea of what can attract more and more people.

There are two options for any business to enjoy seamless photo retouching services in a hassle-free manner. One is to establish an in-house team of professionals or hire an outsource photo retouching service. It is up to you whichever option suits your business needs. If your business demands creative photo editing services like creating social media posts or ad banners, an in-house team of professionals is well suited for you. However, if your photo editing needs are limited up to the retouching of product images to be uploaded to your eCommerce store, an outsource photo editing services USA is the ideal option for you as in this way you need to pay only for the work you will be assigned to the service provider.

Factors Affecting the Cost of Outsource Photo Retouching

The cost of outsourced photo retouching services can not be determined straightforwardly because it is dependent on a large number of factors. Let’s take a look at all those factors.

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Tools and Technology to be Used

The procurement of good quality digital tools is required in order to deliver the best quality retouched images. Experts in this field use top-class tools and technology so that the unmatched quality of images can be delivered that can truly benefit the business in its growth. The cost of outsourcing retouching services depends on the requirement of such tools to a great extent.

Volume of Images

Volume is undoubtedly another factor that will determine the overall cost of your photo retouching requirements. If you have just initiated the eCommerce business and have just begun dealing with bulk requirements of image editing, you need to be far more prepared as there will be a huge demand on a daily basis depending upon your inventory variety. But don’t worry an experienced outsource photo retouching team can effectively handle the work and ensure timely delivery.

Delivery Time Constraint

To some extent time constraints that you will be provided to the outsource team will also be contributing to deciding the cost of the services. The urgent requirement delivery may be changed at a slightly higher rate. If your work is not so urgent and you can wait a day or more, you can expect that your service provider can offer you a discount for this. However, in case of immediate requirements, a discount would not be more valuable than meeting the demand of the customers.

Complexity of Work

Simple image editing will be less costly than editing which involves complex work. For example, simple retouching work such as changing background, removing spots, etc. does not demand much effort but if you want to get jewelry photo retouching services, it involves mannequin editing work which is quite complex and thus in this case the charges will be higher.

Service Cost

The workmanship is one of the important factors that has the majority of the contribution to making your photos look outstanding. It is the capability of the human being that makes it possible to utilize the various available tools and technologies to meet the various goals. So the workmanship is to be paid whether you choose an in-house team or an outsource service. This also adds up to the overall cost of the services.

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The Overall Cost of Photo Retouching Services

Although it mainly depends upon the above-listed factors, if we talk about a rough estimate, Jewelry Retouching Services may cost anywhere between $0.80 to $10 per photo. This is just an estimate however as this cost may increase or decrease as per the factors discussed above.

How to Evaluate Your Photo Retouching Services?

Once you have hired the photo retouching services for your eCommerce project needs, it means you are aware of the cost of the services. Now the time comes when you need to evaluate the work of the hired agency or freelancer so that you can come to know whether the work done is worth the cost being charged. To evaluate the work consider the following things:


Quality is the foremost thing that you need to consider as quality should not be compromised because this can directly impact your business. Product images give first-hand experience to the customers about the product so they should have an excellent impression of the product which is possible only if the quality is assured in the images.


Consider the experience of the team or freelancer you are planning to hire. You can take a look at their previous work as this will help you have an idea of their work quality. As discussed, images are a vital part of your eCommerce business, so experimenting with novices is not recommenting. Instead, you should hire an experienced expert to accomplish your image editing objectives.


Hire a professional who is convenient and hassle-free. There may be conditions when you need urgent image editing or retouching services in that case a difficult-to-reach service provider will consume more of your time and cause a delay in overall delivery. So, make sure the service provider you are considering is easily available for communication and ensure delivery of short notice projects as well.


Your budget is of course a deciding factor when choosing an outsource photo retouching service. As you must have planned a budget for this service and if a service provider lies beyond that budget, you will obviously have to ignore that. Depending upon the price per image provided by the photo editors, you can make a selection for the te or freelancer that lies within your budget limits plus have the necessary expertise in the field. It is also not a wise decision to compromise quality for just a few bucks.


So, you see it is not possible to give an exact amount that an outsource photo retouching service provider will be charging you, however you can get an estimate of the services based on the factors discussed above. There is a wide range of photo editing service providers with exceptional experience who also offer services at quite reasonable and genuine prices. You will definitely be able to find such a team for your eCommerce business needs.

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